I've recently taken to wandering through random blogs. I rarely actually read anything, but one or two tend to catch my attention, at least for a little while.There are many strange things on Blogger. For example:
- The blog of an institutionalized woman
- The Sexy Knitters Club
- A blog on neo-colonialism, in which all the text is the same color as the background
- A blog with only two posts; one is the words to REM's Hurt, and the other is in an alphabet I don't recognize (although it's very neat)
- A day-by-day blog of the dumped
The majority of the blogs are in languages I do not understand. I don't know if this is actually a strange trend, or if I'm just a bit too insular.
There are many blogs for people who are traveling. Apparently there's a vast army of people quitting their jobs and packing off to Tibet. Who knew?
There are people who make blogs for their pets. Some of them are just about the pets — mostly posting pictures — but some actually masquerade as their pets. I don't get it. There are also people who do this with their infant children.
And I haven't even started on the sexual diarists yet.
I think that blog is in Tibetian.
I have a friend that I bet would love the sexy knitters. She's a knitter herself. :-D
I don't know how you found me, but you should probably know I also knit.
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I found you by repeatedly hitting the "Next Blog" button during a very boring football game. You have a very interesting blog, and it's actually what sparked the idea for that particular post.
Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. I aim to inspire.
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